I took one step out of my place
I could feel and smell of not being safe
Every person looked like a dog
That just wants to bite you off
Every eye was just starring
No one is there who was caring
Never even once anyone stood by me
When I was surrounded with people so mean
No peace, no silence there was
Where my own soul seemed too lost
Finding out a place which is safe
Seemed as if it is just a luck case
I was broken and shattered so much
Cried on myself and my luck
Called everyone whom I could
No one helped me even when they should
Then I realized how wrong I was
Trusting people was just my loss
All these high-class are just shallow
Showy from outside but inside totally hollow
Then I thought it’s me on my own
Suddenly all my fears were gone
That’s when I realized all my power
As if it was a blooming flower
I learned it was so wrong thought
That a women is weak and she just can’t
Fight like a man in real life
But just can stay like a house wife
I learnt that I am so strong
I can kill whatever seems wrong
I stand for myself and what’s right
My future even if everyone stops is totally bright.
Throwing my fear like rays of sun
I threatened them, stop me if you can.
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