Happy Women's day?

Happy Women's Day! 

There is this fake smile on every women's face today, 
What is there to be happy about? 
Her daughter is out and 7 in the eve
She is spending her entire day thinking where she could be 
Her son is out and it's 9 
She prays for him to be able to control the devil inside 
It's 11 in night and her husband is drunk 
The other pillar of the family is never still and stern
Not even for a second she lives for herself,  not a day she is not insulted 
not a day she feels safe and free 
Can you see any reason to celebrate who she is? 

There is this fake smile on every women's face today, 
What is there to be happy about? 
She, 17-85,  no matter, has the same problems when she moves out,
People staring even if she is covered or shows her cleavage wearing a dress she loves,
Comments she's been listening to forever but never fought back because back there in her home, her mom said 'Just ignore' else you will be killed.
She was dying anyway because of the humiliation 
Of the rape she was going through just because of the words,
But it's her mother who prays to God everyday when she comes back home in one piece and safe. 
He said every girl who roams in short or revealing clothes would be raped, 
She is stopped from living life the way she wants, 
In democratic country there is no democracy for her,
So can you see any reason to celebrate who she is? 

There is this fake smile on every women's face today, 
What is there to be happy about? She loves to party, she loves to work, lives on her own and alone 
Not a day she was tensed. 
But now I see her being careful about her choices 
About the friends she make
Or the dresses she picks 
She works and supports her family 
And her time can be 12 in the night. 
Her family has been really cool, they allowed her to live her life the way she wants but it's these people with eyes like eagle always wanting a piece of meat from her, who makes her question about her own existence and living. 
Free? Ya really! You must be joking. 
She was free from her family but then she ended up being in the bigger cage of this world. 
She was free from rules but she now obeys rules this world has predefined for her.
Now every night when she takes a cab she notes the number, keep talking about direction to her friend or keep this little pepper spray in her hand
She takes a look at the way the driver is taking 
And when she reaches home she cries and falls on the ground. 
Touches her tummy and makes promise to herself this is not a future I'll give to my daughter. 
So can you see any reason to celebrate who she is? 

We are wishing women's day because we are still alive! 
We are celebrating just one day of being what we are! 
There is just hope on which we are surviving...
But still I'll wish you all a Happy Women's Day because who knows this could be a beginning to a better us, better we, better world. 


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