The last sigh
(Picture courtesy: Shutter Stock) I wake up, look at your photo, and while I know you are never coming back, I still kiss it... I lost you. Lost you forever. I wish it was me instead. I take deep breaths but the shorter ones are heavier on my chest as they remind me how I skipped them with a brush of your fingers on my skin... You had told me how soft my skin was but now, they are wrinkled. I remember you would hold my hand and tell me how beautiful you were going to make my life. But did you know you were going to leave me too soon? You made me learn about the beauty that you could see in me and trust me, I am trying finding it but I cannot. Now all I see are grey hair, teary-eyes and some kids around waiting for me to tell them stories. Oh, Riva is an adult now and she keeps asking me about how I met you. I know she is in love but she just does not admit. She reminds me so much of me, the younger me, the one who wore heart on her sleeves but an absolute idiot in ...