I think...

These little lights of the city makes me think what if these are stars on the earth which disappears the moment the sun comes up.
These meaningless lights, in the sky and on the earth, are just there to learn counting and to assure the little ones that someone is watching their deeds.

I see cows and buffaloes taking rest on road and think 'are they planning on a peaceful yet adventurous death?'
Or they are just wanting the place which used to be there's but then we made roads there?

I think that if it's true that if a crow croaks on the roof of your house then you can expect some relatives at your place,
Then why the house of the widowed mother and her four years old son, is as empty as my stomach right now?

The dog on the street wags it's tail everytime I pass by him.
I think, does he know me? And want to ask 'have we met before you cute little thing?' But unfortunately I am scared of dogs so I keep myself away!
Their eyes! Nothing but craving for love, but stupid stomach and sensation of hunger says FUCK LOVE. They want both...

I think what If I don't have teeth? I won't be able to have chicken!
But what about those who doesn't have any chicken to eat?
Is Parle-G enough? But then I just think.

I think, I write what I am and what I feel
But this was never thought never planned!
If this was planned then shouldn't I be grab all the stars and make them relatives of the widowed and her son?
Shouldn't I learn the language of cows and buffaloes and share their stories?
Shouldn't I get loads of Parle-G everyday and feed that cute little thing that wags it tails for me?
But what am I doing?


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